Best writers in the world you did not know about

About Dad’s Stuff

Warren Dean (Bill) McIntyre has been writing for many of his living years and now it’s time to introduce more of the world to the man and his work. Check out what is, or will be, available below or make a quick detour to read a brief bio, of sorts, about my Dad, Bill McIntyre, in his own words.


If a subject is highlighted, it means one or more posts have already been made about that theme and by clicking on it, you can review as many as you want. If the material you’re most excited about reading isn’t linked yet, then I hope you’ll contact me and I’ll let you know when the first post goes live.

Bits of Bill – Information gleaned from dad’s stories, sermons, and poetry that reveal the author.
Character Confessions – I’ll be ‘interviewing’ characters from the book about themselves. They’ll answer with direct quotes from the book or slightly modified versions of the narrative.
Graphically Said – We’ll take quotes or thoughts from dad’s